
It is going to take a lot of time, sweat, sacrifice and money to bring back an extinct species for the purpose of restoring an arctic ecosystem and slowing the release of greenhouse gases from beneath the thawing permafrost. That is why we need people like you to volunteer your creative talents, network, and financial resources. If you are inspired by this work and have time and skills which could be used to further our cause, please contact me. If you do not have time, but are willing to contribute financially, please use the link below to make a tax-deductible charitable donation through our partner, Revive & Restore. By selecting Woolly Mammoth Revival in the dropdown menu, all proceeds will go toward the effort of recreating this charismatic creature. Thank you so much for your interest in Woolly Revival, and anything you may contribute.

Revive & Restore is expanding a network of practitioners involved with applying biotechnology to biodiversity challenges. This enables the conservationists, scientists, institutions, funders, and regulators to contribute to the development of this rapidly growing body of knowledge and bioethical standards. Revive & Restore is a hub for these efforts and the requisite work to develop them – sometimes directly, sometimes as convener or networker, sometimes as lead funder, and sometimes simply as champion.

Please Donate Lots of Money Here